Ahead of Kashmir week in the Parliament this week, I spoke with journalists in the UK about why Kashmir week is happening and my involvement with this human rights issue. A selection of the questions I was asked are below:
Please tell the Asian World readers why you are helping the
cause for occupied and Jummu Kashmir?
The reason why I am in politics is about
self-determination. I’m actively campaigning for a Referendum for the British
people to decide their future on whether they wish to stay in the European
Union or not. But the cause of Jammu and Kashmir has been going on since 1948
when they were promised a referendum, and that’s why I feel there are parallels
in what I’m in politics for in the first place and the situation in Jammu and
Why do you think about the horrendous human right violations
in the region and why it is not getting any air time in the media and little
assistance from the international community?
I feel absolutely shocked at the level of violence
in the area and the border killings. I feel the reason that it isn’t getting
any media is probably the politics of convenience. It’s a fact that the major
powers have a problem in confronting India due to India’s growing economic
strength and everybody wishes to stay on friendly terms with India. I would say
that if they are our best friends and India are among our best friends in the
world, you are no better friend to someone than if you actually tell them the
truth. If you can’t tell your friends the truth, they aren’t friends at all.
It’s about time we actually confronted India and said there is a dispute in
this area and for them to ignore it is wholly wrong. I think that’s why people
are afraid on this issue and the example would be Barack Obama. When he first
stood for the Presidency of the United States, he said this is one of the most
important issues that needs attention, and yet when he was seeking re-election
he just simply said that it was for India and Pakistan to sort out between
themselves. I think he’s wholly wrong in that and it’s for the international
community to take a strong stance on this.
What advice would you give to desperate Kashmiris wanting to
actively do something to help people in Jummu Kashmir?
These situations are obviously very difficult.
What I would say to everyone is to raise awareness; especially in these days of
the internet. You can lobby politicians; members of the European Parliament,
Members of the UK Parliament, Senators and Congressmen. It is about utilising
the message actively – use social media. We’ve had the example of the Arab
Spring; which was set up by the use of social media. The overthrow of the
regime in Egypt was because of social media. I advocate peaceful demonstration
and it’s about keeping the message there, and not allowing the politics of
convenience continue and making it awkward for the politicians who are making
the decisions.
What else have you done in the plight for Jummu and Kashmir?
Obviously I feel very humble. I’m using the
power that I have to raise the issue, there are half a million Kashmiri’s here
in the United Kingdom that includes a significant amount here in the West
Midlands, I feel it’s my duty to represent those interests in the European
Parliament. This is why I’m hosting the Kashmir week next week (May 27th
– 30th). I plan to visit Kashmir in January, again it’s the same
message; it’s about highlighting. It’s about highlighting the situation and hopefully
making it awkward and difficult for those people who are actually making the
Why is the British Government and Europe not doing more to
Once again it’s the politics of convenience.
It’s because of the ever- growing economic might of India and we should be much
stronger. There is no doubt we should be much stronger. Hopefully the events
and what we are doing highlights to the people in power that we should be doing
What is the reason for hosting this summit in Brussels
and what do you hope to achieve?
It’s once again all about the message. It’s
the highlighting of issues. Its about standing up and having the courage to say
what is going on here is wrong, this has gone on far too long and it’s about
time the people of Jammu and Kashmir had the right of self-determination.
Wherever you are in the world, if you live in a free country, how can any of us
be free when there are other humans on this planet who are being oppressed from
having self-determination? I’m hoping it’s going to achieve publicity. The fact
that media outlets are contacting me will generate publicity for the cause and
will hopefully encourage others to get involved on this issue.