Thursday, 30 May 2013

My speech from the Kashmir reconciliation event last night

Good evening Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, fellow defenders of human rights.

A special Good evening and welcome to my constituents who have travelled from the West Midlands to be here.

I am very proud to be able to host this event tonight, and I want to talk about why we are here.

Those of you who know me will know that I am very passionate about my political beliefs.

But when I take part in meetings of the Human Rights sub-committee, when I visit people in Gaza, Tunisia or Afghanistan, when I spend time with political prisoners in Bahrain, when I help distribute food to needy families, when I talk to friends as I am doing now, I leave my politics at the door.

As citizens we must not only talk about social responsibility, we must demonstrate it.

We all have a collective responsibility towards those people who do not yet have security. Those who do not yet have the freedom to express themselves, to choose the company they keep, or to communicate with their fellow man without the fear of censorship and retribution for what they may say or write.

Since elected in 2009, I have supported the right of the Kashmiri people to self-determination. I consider the right of self-determination to be a basic human right, and I want to emphasise here and now that there must be no "buts" in Human rights.

Human rights are universal, and every man woman and child on this planet is entitled to live their lives in freedom, without fear of persecution, with access to the best standards of healthcare and education that our society can provide, and with the right to live in a just and democratic world.

This is not an ideological dream; this is a statement of fact.

What we are sharing together here today is not just a gathering of like-minded individuals. It is not just an exhibition, not just a forum for debate. This is a vigil. A vigil that will not end until we achieve our shared aims.

Thomas Jefferson once said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and to the men of violence and repression I say this - "We are watching you, and you will have to account for your actions".

Sometimes it can be hard to stand up for what is right. Sometimes we know what we want to do, or say, but we can feel intimidated. But please, all of you look around you now. You are not alone, so do not be afraid to speak out, to condemn violence, to challenge discrimination and repression.

None of us in this room today is divided by nationality, by party politics, or anything else. We are not divided at all. We are united. We are united by our shared love of freedom, democracy, and justice, and our shared commitment to the concept of universal human rights.

We are united. We are strong. We have right on our side. We will speak out against injustice and repression. And we are not going away.

Barrister Tramboor, I thank you for inviting me to host this event. I feel honoured to be associated with the work that you do.

Dear guests, thank you for gracing us with your presence. Thank you for your support, and for your company here today. Some of you have travelled a long way to be here, which shows the strength of your feeling.

But my most important message is to the people of Kashmir. To you I say - self-determination is coming. Peace is coming. Justice is coming. It may not be tomorrow, or next year, but your future is coming.