On Wednesday night I found myself at Solihull Council house as I had been given speaking time during the planning committee to represent the Meriden RAID group as they raised continuing issues they are having at the former traveller site at Eaves Green Lane.
The questions submitted, along with the accompanying pictures, are attached below.
You will be aware that I
have notified you of three questions relating to the report before you relating
to the restoration of land in Eaves Green Lane. You are being asked to note it
Many residents of Meriden
have asked me to express their thanks to Members and Officers for the robust and
fair way in which they have addressed this lengthy and difficult dispute to date
and the clear determination to adopt a proper plan led approach in provision for
Gypsies and Travellers.
The three questions I wish
to put to this Committee, relate to the outstanding restoration of the Land in
Eaves Green Lane which under the terms of the Injunction, require it to be restored to the
condition it was in before it was unlawfully occupied, excavated and levelled.
This restoration was required by 21st May 2013. The Injunction, also
prohibits certain activities on the Land such as the storage of waste materials,
grubbing up of hedges and felling of trees.
My questions are informed by
observations of the Land at 09.00 this morning, so in that sense represent the
latest position.
1. My first question relates
to minor outstanding works – There is still a substantial quantity of waste wood
to the far end of the former barn site. This arrived during the travellers
occupation and whilst some attempt has been made to reduce the quantity of waste
material, it nevertheless remains. Also three trees appear to have been felled
in contravention of the Injunction and a substantial section of the Local
Wildlife Site a protected hedge destroyed.
Will you confirm Mr
Chairman, that the waste material will be removed forthwith from the former barn
site and the developer be ordered to replant the trees and
I would be happy for you to
address this question before I move to my second.
2. My second question
relates to what local residents consider to be a ‘major’ item of outstanding
works, which has not been addressed to any degree but which not only falls under
the terms of the Injunction but was allowed by the Council together with sewage
and electrical works in June/July 2010.
This outstanding matter is
the huge excavation works undertaken using massive machinery in the middle of
the field and the removal of huge quantities of topsoil from the site in dumper
I have a photograph of this
excavation at the time (Excavator pic) it took place for Members to see. It
had the effect of lowering land levels, creating a visible ridge around two
sides of the field and has serious implications with regard to the lands ability
to drain in addition to profoundly affecting the topographical, ecological and
biodiversity characteristics of this land. (Pics of ridges)
What actions will this
Council insist on to re-import topsoil thereby reinstating land levels to help
prevent surface flooding, support drainage, prevent erosion and restore the
characteristics of the land to their pre 30th April 2010
I would be grateful for your
response before I move to my last question.
3. My final question
concerns both; the terms of the
Injunction prohibiting the storage of waste materials and serves to alert
Planning Committee members to a new unlawful use that the Travellers are seeking
to put the land to and the
co-operation I would wish to see this Council engage in to address the
Within an hour or so of
Enforcement Officers leaving the former barn site on 21st May (the
deadline for full compliance with the Injunction including the storage of
waste), the travellers received a massive delivery of industrial scrap metal
onto the site in a Sea Cargo ships container.
The picture i am showing you
has appeared in the media and shows that size and scale of these industrial
units. (scrap metal pic)
Over the following 7 days
the travellers spent 12 – 14 hours a day, including a Bank Holiday weekend,
processing this waste scrap metal using cutters, grinders and hammers, creating
massive noise pollution and causing disturbance and distress to local residents
and users of the Lane.
You will not be surprised Mr
Chairman to note that residents have no desire to exchange an unlawful
development with an unlawful scrap processing
I am aware this Council is
investigating this matter and that Criminal Proceedings may be considered in
respect of this activity, so my question relates to my role as an MEP and
is this:
If it transpires at some
point that no action is taken against this unlawful and prohibited activity –
either by this Council, the Environment Agency or other responsible body – will
the Council agree to furnish me with full details so that I can raise at the
European Parliament, how partner organisations police the issue of unlawful
processing of scrap by unlicensed dealers and how they verify whether the scrap
is acquired and disposed of legally.
Can you confirm your
willingness to ensure action on this point AND co-operate fully so that I can
raise this at a European level if no action is
Nikki Sinclaire MEP