Thursday 23 December 2010

An update on the Tribunal hearing.

UKIP, Farage and Bloom have applied to the Tribunal to have the judgement 'set aside' on the basis of an administrative error. That all three forgot they had to reply to the claims against them and there was a mix up in all three of their diaries. The ET rules were recently changed allowing respondents 28 days rather than 14 days to reply to allow for due consideration etc.

I note that Nigel was elected under the banner of professionalising the party and the new Party Secretary, Michael Greaves, a Barrister admits to have been at fault here.

The Tribunal Judge has decided not to accept their application without hearing their application IN PERSON and a hearing will be scheduled in due course. The rules state that at least 14 days notice must be given for a hearing. Therefore, currently the Judgement remains in force and the Remedy hearing postponed.

As this hearing will heard due to the negligence of UKIP, Farage and Bloom; they will be expected to pay the costs of all sides in full.