Tuesday 28 January 2014


Droitwich Spa's MEP Nikki Sinclaire has today thrown her support behind the Save Yewtree Hill supporters Group in their fight against development in Droitwich Spa.

On the eve of the planning hearing into the controversial planning application Nikki Sinclaire MEP commented,

“I was recently made aware of the fight to Save Yew Tree Hill and I have since examined the proposals.

‘’The plans that have been re-submitted are simply inappropriate and I strongly object to the planning application, it is opportunistic and they are without planning merit’’
We Demand a Referendum Now MEP Nikki continued,

 “Opportunist planning applications are being lodged around the West Midlands by greedy developers who put profits before life, where planning authorities have not adopted their Core Strategy nor have a 5 year housing land supply. In these cases, all planning rules seem to be abandoned including many of the core planning principles in the NPPF outlined by central Government”.
Nikki, who has recently signed a E Petition on 10 Downing Streets Website calling for the amendment of the NPPF ASAP before irreversible damage is caused to our communities continued,
“I believe that such large scale developments risk massive, irreversible damage to our villages and the surrounding countryside. I do not believe that this was the intention of the NPPF and ask written to the Government asking that they urgently introduce three specific amendments:
1. to allow decision makers to take into account the cumulative effect of development as a material planning consideration;
2. to allow planning authorities an extension of time to adopt a new Core Strategy; and
3. to require a sequential test to be applied to encourage the effective use of brown field land.

Brown field sites in the area must be utilised before we even begin to think about building on green field sites – green field sites should be protected across the West Midlands region and used only as a last resort”.