Tuesday 25 March 2014

MEP Nikki backing West Midlands Breweries and calls for further Beer Duty cuts

Press Release: MEP Nikki backing West Midlands Breweries and calls for further Beer Duty cuts

We Demand a Referendum Now MEP Nikki Sinclaire is backing the West Midlands brewing industry – as new figures emerge, showing that almost half of new jobs created in the industry are going to young people.

The West Midlands currently has around 4700 pubs and is home to 105 breweries. They employ over 56,000 people here in the region, with 24,000 of those jobs are filled by 16-24 year olds.

The industry adds £3.168 MILLION in value to the local economy.

Nikki is calling for the Government to recognise the value of pubs and brewing. In the UK, beer and pubs contribute £22 BILLION to UK GDP. 82% of all beer drunk in the UK is made in the UK, compared to just 0.2% of wine consumed in the UK being made in Britain.

The production and sale of beer also creates jobs in the agriculture and retail sector.

After years of above inflation duty increases, beer is still overtaxed. In 2012 Britons paid 43% of all EU beer duties.  

 For every pint pulled in the UK, brewers make 2p while the Government make 106p.

Nikki Sinclaire MEP said, “Pubs are closing in the UK at the rate of 28 a week. These latest statistics prove that pubs and the brewing sector are providing employment and opportunity here in the region.  These pubs are bringing jobs to parts of the UK that need them most, especially in rural areas.  We must encourage pubs to branch out into other areas, to make them a community hub. A well run pub can encourage sensible drinking where people drink lower strength, Midlands brewed products.

I would encourage the government to continue cutting the beer duty,  the one pence cut  is welcome, but still more needs to be done. It will take years to undo the impact of the beer duty escalator. This industry is under severe pressure, and any future tax increases will damage jobs and prevent investment in manufacturing and skills.

The Great British Pub has been a part of the fabric of society for centuries – it is one tradition that I do not want to see die out. Support British brewing.”